Creative Process

We believe that everyone is creative. Consequently, we don't allow bystanders in the creative process. We invite spirited, ongoing collaboration to encourage surprising design solutions.


The Art Of Creative Engagement

Our aim is to cultivate a collective sense of purpose. With a common understanding of concerns and aspirations we work together to reveal how a new environment will help fulfill mission and strengthen identity.

An Invitation to Play

The depth of our results relies on the diversity of our resources. Rally your pioneers, experimenters and entrepreneurs – and come participate with full tanks and open minds.



Setting the Stage

Everything we need is here – found in the people who are in the room. Everyone’s input is equally important to our success at moving from where your organization is to where it needs to go.

Ask Animating Questions

Ask. Listen. Ask. Listen. Questions and responses shift perspectives and reveal a broader view of the challenges. Each of us is responsible for how we act and react, and the meaning we communicate.



Engage, Reframe, Playback

Engaging with what we have heard, seen and felt, we begin to design. Always through the lens of opportunity, we look for sharp edges that need smoothing and easy solutions that need more thinking. Where does art fit in? How can the design better serve the person, the community and the world? Led by aims and aspirations we pursue the ideal.

Wash, Rinse, Repeat

What if? Can we try? Have we thought of? There is always another way to see a challenge, to connect the dots and spaces in between. What did we learn? How does this fit? Given time the right design will always find a way to be found.



Distill the Essence

We have arrived – where the work we have done together, comes together. Where what you have and who you are is blended with where you want to be, forming a design that stands apart because it can be only you.


Celebrate and acknowledge the journey we have taken and the new places you can go. The conversations – person-to-person, person-to-space, and space-to-community – don’t end. They evolve for further understanding and continued growth.


Kids Build!

This program offers a creative engagement between students and the designers of their new school. Kids Build! encourages students to collaborate and tap into their creativity through hands-on activities teaching them about the design, construction and the maintenance of their new school.

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Biotech Visioning

The biotech industry is moving at unprecedented speed. As your
efforts and environmental needs expand, planning is critical. Our
propriety process enables you to create a consensus-driven vision
for your future.

Learn More


Have a project you would like to discuss?   CONTACT US